The Shitfuckery blog

Peter Dutton is a quick on the draw happy to go to war trigger happy war monger

Peter Dutton Red Sea ships war2
Dutton’s Dangerous War Games

Peter Dutton, the leader of the opposition, has once again shown his reckless and warmongering attitude by calling for Australia to send a navy ship to the Red Sea. He claims that this is necessary to protect our economy from the threats posed by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. But his real motive is to boost his own political image and appeal to his right-wing base…

Dutton seems to have forgotten the lessons of history, as he ignores the fact that Australia has been dragged into many costly and futile wars by following the US blindly. From Vietnam to Iraq and Afghanistan, Australia has paid a heavy price in blood and treasure for supporting the US’s imperial ambitions. Now, he wants us to join the US-led coalition of 20 countries that is intervening in the Red Sea, where a fragile ceasefire is in place.

Dutton’s proposal is not only unnecessary but also dangerous. It would risk escalating the violence and instability in the region, and provoking the ire of other powers, such as China and Russia, that have interests there. It would also divert our attention and resources from our own backyard, where we face more pressing challenges and opportunities. And it would expose our sailors and soldiers to harm and danger, for no clear benefit or purpose.

Dutton is playing a cynical and irresponsible game with our national security and foreign policy. He is trying to portray himself as a strong and decisive leader, but he is actually a trigger-happy and short-sighted politician. He does not have a coherent or comprehensive vision for Australia’s role in the world, or for its future prosperity and well-being. He is only interested in scoring cheap points and stirring up fear and anxiety among the public.

We need a leader who can act with wisdom and restraint, not with haste and aggression. We need a leader who can work with our allies and partners, not against them. We need a leader who can pursue peace and dialogue, not war and confrontation. Peter Dutton is not that leader. He is a dangerous war monger who should not be trusted with the fate of our nation.